NEW 70kW ARCHIMEDE BATTERY | FUSTEQ technology meets the versatility of LITHIUM BATTERIES
TecnoGen launches the new latest generation Hybrid CUBE FUSTEQ STAGE V compliant hybrid generator (also available with Tier IV Final engines) on the market.
Thanks to the synergy between TecnoGen and Archimede Energia (BGG Group), the technology of FUSTEQ generators integrates with the versatility of the new energy-dense ÆnerBox® lithium batteries, available up to a maximum power of 70kW and designed for the specific needs of the telecommunications, services, rental and agricultural markets. The Hybrid CUBO generator (22kVA standby) mounts six ÆnerBox® lithium batteries that guarantee high performance in terms of power and reliability with a photovoltaic panel (optional) and an EV CCS2 charging socket for charging AC electric vehicles.
This product uses the control of charging in DC current through a variable speed system and integrates the management of bidirectional inverters that allow the discharge and charging of batteries from the power grid and photovoltaic panels.
The strong point of these new batteries is the technology entirely Made in Italy based on a software conceived and developed by our Research and Development department; also, the Battery Management System has also been designed and built internally thanks to specific electronic and mechanical expertise.
Other key features, such as the high number of charging cycles, the absence of maintenance, the ability to perform rapid partial charges and the wide temperature range, make this product the best solution for energy storage.
Like all our products, customized solutions are available for battery autonomy, generator power, type of equipment (in canopy or container) and coupling with photovoltaic panels according to different applications and market segments.
Contact us for more information!

TecnoGen made its contribution in the particular health emergency period. The supply of generating sets by TecnoGen and other companies belonging to the BGG group involved hospitals and intensive care departments set up in a very short time: 1. The new hospital at the Milan Exhibition Center, where a complex and critical facility was built in less than a week, working non-stop; 2. The Hospital Camp of Piacenza: 3. The Hospital of Imperia; 4. The San Raffaele Hospital of Milan.
We have also directly set up systems with our generators in the main hospitals of Marche, Abruzzo, Molise and Puglia in Italy. Other companies of the group have made their contribution in an emergency by donating a pulmonary ventilator to the Ariano Irpino’s hospital center.
Our internal Research and Development department has also contributed to the design of protective visors for healthcare purposes, putting the ingenuity and technical expertise available for the conversion of certain production activities to the benefit of healthcare workers.

On 6 and 7 June 2019 the first Gruppo Bruno Business Forum was held in Carpi, in the province of Modena, at the new headquarters of Cev Lab. 150 managers and directors of the various Companies, which in Italy and abroad, are part of the Bruno Group of Grottaminarda, met in the town of Emilia Romagna for a two-day event, which involved them in sharing the activities performed by their respective companies. The meeting was organized with the aim of giving a strong push to develop all the possible synergies between the numerous companies that belong to the Group.
Currently the Holding, which is specialized in the marketing of agricultural and industrial machinery, in the production of generating sets and energy stations, of electromechanical components for the automotive, agriculture and industry sectors, has a turnover of 220 million euros, has 24 production facilities, distributed between Italy and abroad, and 1084 employees, and it has always been investing in research and innovation, to provide its customers with a range of the most complete in the world. The new Cevlab building, completed at the end of 2018, in which the event was held, is located close to the well known Zadi company in Carpi, acquired by the Group in 2012.

Tecnogen has presented at bauma
2019 the 450kva fusteq generator
with scania engine, stage v
technology. The complete stage v
tecnogen range is available.

Two 70kva fusteq generators, very
appreciated for their low noise
level, will travel across the u.s. at
the service of antiques roadshow,
a very popular tv show in america.
Fusteq Series – OSLO

Two 250kva fusteq generators
in front of oslo city hall, Where
the 2018 nobel peace prize
award ceremony took place.
Zeppelin Hibrid Lighting Towers

Two 250kva fusteq
generators hybrid lighting towers
led, made for the global market at
the request of an important
german rental company.
The new Hybrid

Innovation in lighting towers, new
hybrid solution with lithium